9.2.21 COVID Positive resident


Dear Family and Friends of Bridges of Zumbrota,

Yesterday we were notified that a staff member at the Bridges of Zumbrota tested positive for COVID-19. Last night a resident was diagnosed with COVID-19 as well. Residents are being quarantined, all services are being delivered to their rooms, and we are conducting vital signs twice daily, as well as daily symptom monitoring. We are testing all residents and staff every 3-5 days for COVID until 14 days since the residents’ last exposure to the positive staff member.

Visitors will not be allowed for the next two weeks at the Bridges, or until we have had two full weeks of negative tests. We will continue to communicate with you throughout the next couple of weeks.

Zumbrota Care Center operations are continuing as normal at this time.

We continue to follow guidance from Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).

Do not hesitate to reach out to Laura Erickson, Administrator, at 507-732-8132 or by email at lerickson@zhs.sfhs.org if you have any questions or concerns.