We are so excited to share that today we closed our COVID unit!! The last resident graduated off the unit this morning and returned to their room. We had 15 residents total get COVID, 12 have vaccinated off the unit, and 3 passed away.
This week we tested all staff of Zumbrota Health Services. Results are shown below. We continue to work with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and are following COVID-19 recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
• Zumbrota Care Center – 0 residents and 0 staff tested positive this week. No indoor visitation at this time. Testing staff weekly due to county positivity rates.
• Bridges of Zumbrota – 0 tenants and 0 staff tested positive. No indoor visitation at this time. Testing staff weekly due to county positivity.
Please be patient about changes in safety protocols as vaccinations roll out across Minnesota. Even though the vaccine is here, the virus is still being transmitted throughout our state and we need to continue to be cautious to protect the health and well-being of residents and staff.
Until we receive updated guidance from the State, we ask that everyone, even those not connected directly with our care center, continue infection prevention and control practices. Please wear a mask, wash your hands, don’t touch your face when you’re out and stay home if you’re feeling sick. These measures will help keep the positivity rate low and allow our care center to host safe and socially distanced visitation for residents.
Looking for ways to help? We have a variety of positions available with flexible scheduling and on the job training. For more information or to apply, visit www.jobswithus.org, search “Zumbrota.”
Don’t forget to get your flu shot this season to help protect our community. Please follow our Facebook page (@Zumbrota Health Services) or our website (www.zhs.sfhs.org) for all COVID updates and information on what is happening inside our care center. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Laura Erickson, Administrator, at 507-732-8132 or by email at lerickson@zhs.sfhs.org if you have any questions or concerns.