Dear ZHS Family and Friends,
We performed our 3rd round of entire-site testing on 9/28/2020. We are excited to announce that all tests have returned negative for COVID-19. We have now gone two consecutive weeks without any additional cases allowing us to discontinue entire-site testing of our residents. Our staff will continue to be routinely tested weekly, following CMS guidelines. Our next round of routine staff testing will take place on Monday, 10/5/2020.
Following the State and Federal guidelines, we will end facility wide quarantine and resume limited communal dining. Patio visits will resume shortly. Please know we continue to offer window visits and virtual visits. Please contact Lacey Boesen, Activity Director, at to schedule your visit in advance.
The coming cooler months will continue to challenge us in limiting the impact of COVID-19 on our community. It is important for each of us to think about how our actions affect others we come in contact with. We must protect one another. You are a key partner in the safe reopening of our care center, please remember to social distance, wear a mask, and practice proper hand hygiene. Remember to stay home if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
If you or someone you know may be interested in working side by side with us as we truly make a difference in the lives of our residents, please contact our care center or visit and search “Zumbrota” for more information.
We truly appreciate your patience as we prepare to expand visits and other activities. We all look forward to the days ahead when we’re able to enjoy the simple pleasures of hugs, handshakes, and warm in-person greetings again.
Thank you again for being partners with us in fighting the COVID-19 virus. Updated information on our planning and preparedness for Coronavirus and our activities within our care center can be found by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 507-732-8132 or by email at
Laura Erickson